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Protect quality healthcare for Medicaid patients

Remove Part H of Executive’s HM&H Budget

You could help millions of patients keep accessible quality healthcare.

As of January 2023, New York had one of the largest Medicaid populations in the United States, with 7,584,758 of individuals enrolled in the program.

Don’t let them lose access to quality urgent care and emergency services.

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When someone with Medicaid needs urgent medical care at a hospital, they might see a doctor who isn’t part of their insurance network. Part H of the Executive’s Budget will prevent physicians from providing critical emergency room services.

Challenge for Doctors & Patients:

These doctors then have to rely on the Medicaid insurance companies to decide how much they get paid for these services. This can be tricky because the insurance companies might not pay them enough or might not pay them at all. Without Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR), patients can lose access to quality emergency services. 


The Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) allows doctors to challenge the insurance companies’ decisions about payment for their services, especially after the patient is stable. This way, patients get the quality critical care they need when they need it.

Importance of IDR:

IDR is really important because it gives doctors a fair way to argue for the right payment. Without it, the insurance companies could underpay the doctors, making them unable to help patients at certain hospitals anymore. This would mean patients with Medicaid might not have access to good doctors when they need urgent care.

Why Remove Part H of Executive’s HM&H Budget?

  • New York’s most vulnerable patients deserve high quality healthcare

  • Protect equity in New York health delivery

  • Save Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) for providers who treat managed Medicaid patients

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